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First of all we want to start this presentation by the following citation:

Data leads to information, information leads to knowledge, knowledge leads to wisdom, & wisdom is the key to existence of human civilizations.
Our need of accuracy & revolution towards processing of information has led us to 'Information Revolution'.
Computers and IT tools can take humans to the peak of new millennium or destroy human civilization.

A few years ago the information technology had seen a spectacular progress. For instance the used computer for the Apollo XI mission of the NASA has a Memory with a size equivalent to a memory of a cell phone.

Now we're going to talk about the article entitled "iPods in school". Especially how iPods are used at school in language classes.

Then we're going to enlarge this topic to the whole new technology used in USA especially about the experience of the Chicago journey.

At last we would compare the use of technology in USA and in France. Indeed technology is less used in France, but why?

I iPods in school

Let's begin with iPods in school:

The iPods are now used in different ways, opposite to what we could think they're not only used as hobby, but as a learning tool in school. Indeed in the article of the magazine "Sure" it's clearly mentioned that iPods are currently used to learn.

In fact iPods as cell-phones and DVD player have been forbidden in many schools for a long time because pupils used it to plagiarize. For example they put mathematical formulas or tests answers on their iPods.

But teachers have realized that those devices could be very useful in teaching languages.

Pupils listen to popular songs with the lyrics and have to learn it by hearth that made them research the vocabulary and get the right pronunciation. They have to recite the lyrics in front of their whole class then shy people have to surmount. Sometimes teachers delete words in the lyrics and pupils have to fill the missing words. Teachers noticed that many shy people have improved their speaking language and are more self-confident.

iPods are already used in other subjects as chemistry. For example they explain the concepts with videos.

iPods are distributed at the beginning of each class and are recuperated at the end of class. Currently schools count only few robbery or breaking.

For those multiple advantages, more and more American schools are droved.

Indeed in the New Jersey at the José Marti school 300 iPods have been given to students it has cost 130 000 $! More a school has iPods more this school is considered as a tony school because they are considers as luxuries.

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II use of technology in USA

After the case of iPods we're going to deepen the use of devices in school.

First let's talk about our recent experience in Chicago.

When I followed my pen-pall in her class, some things appear me as strange. The most subjects were linked to the use of new technology during class.

Indeed, in each classroom there is a retro projector and each teacher uses his own laptop for his lessons.

For example the math teacher writes the correction of exercises on his laptop's screen, instead of writing on the blackboard because the laptop is connected to a retro projector and everything he wrote on the screen is showed off on the blackboard. He keeps sitting during the entire lesson and answers the questions on his laptop's screen whereas in France were our teachers write the lesson on the black board.

I attempted a French lesson and I was surprised because the lesson takes place in a computer room, because they used the computer to traduce some words.

I also realized that most of the pupils owns a laptop and works on it for school. They can bring it everywhere and go sometimes with it to the library: I think it's not clumsy and it's very handy.

We found a testimony of a chemistry teacher. He explained that a lot of American teachers make audio-recording of their lectures and broadcasts available for downloading. That prompts pupils to use the computer and internet more often.

People can deduce that USA's bigger use of technology is due to their advance in compare to other countries. But it can also be for a concern about the environment because people use too many sheet of paper in school.

III What about France?

It's a certainty that France use less technology than USA.

Indeed a survey shows that computers are more accessible and schools equip their selves with more computers. In the high schools their number per pupil has doubled between 1997 and 2000.And now it's almost the same number as in the USA.

The difference between France and USA is not the access to computers or technology but its use. Another survey shows that teachers don't like to use internet and computers during their lessons.

People can wonder why they don't.

We can explain it by some evil using of cell phones and internet:

In Marseille six teenagers raped a girl and filmed the scenes to show it to their friends. In internet teenagers could easily find some pornographically films and go to chats where they could speak with dangerous people wanted to hurt them.

To resume teachers fears the evil sides of internet and of the technology. And they don't want pupils made some illegal acts during their class.

But we can observe that computers in school have good effect on pupils life school they favors the communication and the comprehension.

This year in English class Mize BAPST has given us MP3 player to listen conversation and do our lesson without her. Another time we listened to a song and she gave us the lyrics with some deleted words, which we had to look for. Exactly as what it was said in the first part about iPods.

Those examples shows that France is going to increase the use of technology in school indeed it is a new way of teaching because the old is often lived as boring by the pupils.

To add the minister of the education have made a speech in whose he said that he wanted:  the entry of the data-processing patent and Internet (B2i) like obligatory test of the patent since this year if it is possible; the generalization of numerical work spaces (ENT) in the secondary and their development in the primary education; the use of the TICE for the school accompaniment; and the distribution of teaching resources digitized on a USB key given to each new teacher.

Those initiatives show the evolution of the mentality face to the new technology. In the future people will certainly be more open mind about technologies because they neither can stop the progress of technology nor the flow of time.

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IV Conclusion

After this analysis it appears that the world is in continuous revolution of technology which leads to a mentality revolution. In France the process of reducing the differences with the other advanced countries such as Japan and South Korea is launched.

Sure the technology has a lot of good aspects like the use of iPods for languages learning,  computer software for math, physics, science and so one.

But it could have bad sides like the evil using of cell-phone to desecrate people's intimacy or its use to cheat.

Due to those bad aspects some people subtle their judgment and feel reserved face to this new way of life.

However it often happened that someone filmed a crime to identify the criminal but unfortunately cell-phone's images neither are taken into account nor consider as proofs. It shows that lows aren't up to date.

In USA people are more regular to modernity and they daily use new technology, whereas in France people have the same means but they achieve the level of American people.

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