Utilisation d'un document regardé à la maison puis débattu en classe (You Tube, "The Suffragettes" et les 2 premières vidéos)

Drawing a conclusion

I[r]on woman (ne pas prononcer le "r")

Trade : syndicats


Suffragettes were women who fought for the right of vote.

They desmonstrated (manifester) in the streets.

Emily Davinson committed suicide at a horse race.

She threw (se jeter) herself under the king's horse.

Those who were arrested went on a hunger strike (grève de la faim).

They were forced in jail ; the government was accused of harming (=hurt).

The right of vote was granted (accordé) to the suffragettes.

M. Thatcher was the prime minister in 1979 in the UK.

A stubborn woman : she was tough in the trade union.

To make pressure on the government = to pressure

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