Il n'est pas toujours évident de savoir à quel moment mettre un déterminant en anglais et à quel moment il n'y en a pas besoin. Et quand il faut mettre un déterminant, lequel choisir ?

Après un petit rappel de la leçon, vous trouverez des exercices et leur correction pour bien assimiler la notion.

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Rappel de la leçon sur les déterminants

Comment progresser en cours d'anglais ?
Il est possible de ne plus faire d'erreur en anglais avec les déterminants.

Il existe quatre possibilités en anglais : a, an, the ou Ø (pas d'article) :

  • A/an correspond à l'article indéfini un/une en français. Devant une consonne, on utilisera a, devant une voyelle, ce sera an. Exception : le u est considéré comme une consonne, il faudra donc mettre a devant un nom commençant par u et pas an. Il est aussi placé devant un métier, après une préposition, dans une exclamation et dans les expressions de temps. A university / he is an engineer / she is dressed as a ballerina / what a surprise ! / twice a year,
  • The correspond à l'article défini le/la/les en français. Il renvoie à quelque chose d'identifié, de déjà vu, dont on a déjà parlé. Il est aussi utilisé pour désigner quelque chose d'unique au monde, devant les superlatifs, les décennies, les groupes de personnes, les noms d'instrument et les noms propres. The dog over there / the sun is yellow / the biggest man in the room / the eighties / the rich / the violin / the Jones,
  • Ø (article zéro) est le pluriel de a/an mais il est aussi utilisé pour désigner les noms abstraits, certains noms d'aliments, les saisons, les maladies, les noms suivis d'un chiffre, certains noms de lieu et la télévision. Tulips are my favourite flowers / happiness is a life goal / I love coffee / it is winter / I got flu / chapter 6 / I hate school / he is watching television.

Articles : Health Clubs

Remplissez les espaces vides par a, an, the ou Ø.

  1. Are you shopping for ___ health club to join so you can get in shape ?
  2. Shop wisely! You could end up choosing ___ wrong club and losing more money than pounds.
  3. You may find out too late that ___ health clubs aren't for you.
  4. ___ San Diego fitness experts recommend thoroughly checking out several health clubs before you join one.
  5. First, know what you want and need in ___ fitness facility, and don't pay for what you'll never use.
  6. If you only want exercise classes, ___ exercise studio without weight machines and locker rooms may work for you.
  7. If you're looking for ___ place to only do bodybuilding, you'll be happy in a basic gym.
  8. You may be in ___ market for a full-service health club; then, make sure it offers lots of activities.
  9. Look for a place near your house, and check out ___ exercise instructors and personal trainers.
  10. They should be educated in physical education or certified by ___ organization such as the American Council on exercise.
  11. Certified instructors have at least some knowledge of anatomy, exercise physiology, injury prevention and ___ cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  12. You should evaluate ___ equipment and make sure fitness machines are modern and in working order.
  13. Try to talk to other members of the club. Find out what they believe are ___ advantages and disadvantages there.
  14. Look in ___ locker room, workout room, and shower--everywhere should be clean.
  15. ___ locker room sanitation is usually a good indication of how clean other areas are.
  16. Finally, before you sign ___ agreement to join, read the contract carefully.
"A health club" est un club de sport.

Famous People : A Quiz on Articles

Remplissez les espaces vides par a, an, the ou Ø.

  1. Albert Einstein was ___ famous scientist.       
  2. Einstein was born in ___ Germany in 1879.
  3. Einstein won ___ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
  4. Einstein left his country and lived in ___ United States until he died in 1955.
  5. Einstein is known for his theory of ___ relativity.
  6. Roentgen was ___ German physicist who discovered x-rays, revolutionizing medical diagnosis.
  7. Roentgen won ___ 1901 Nobel Prize.
  8. Mandela was born in ___ South Africa.
  9. Mandela was ___ first President elected in ___ South Africa after ___ Apartheid was revoked.
  10. Mandela was imprisoned for ___ nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.
  11. Mother Teresa was ___ Roman Catholic nun.
  12. Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with ___ poor.
  13. She was ___ founder of ___ order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.
  14. Mother Teresa lived in ___ Calcutta, India.
  15. Mother Teresa received ___ her Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Monarchy and British government quizz on articles

Remplissez les espaces vides par a, an, the ou Ø.

  1. Elizabeth Windsor was born in ___ London. 
  2. Elizabeth Windsor was ___ first born child of George VI. 
  3. She succeeded to ___ throne becoming Elizabeth ___ II, ___ Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 
  4. ___ year later her marriage with ___ Prince Philip Mountbatten, she gave birth to ___ son Charles. 
  5. She became ___ grandmother in 1977 with ___ birth of Peter, ___ son of her only daughter Anne. 
  6. Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on ___ 13 October 1925.
  7. She grew up in Grantham in ___ North of England. 
  8. In 1943, she won ___ place at ___ Oxford University. 
  9. Afterwards, she used her degree to secure ___ job as ___ research chemist. 
  10. At ___ end of 1951, she married ___ rich businessman, Denis Thatcher. 
  11. In 1975, ___ Conservative Party needed ___ new leader and it chose her. 
  12. Margaret Thatcher became ___ UK's first woman Prime Minister in 1979 and she won two further general elections. 
  13. She became ___ most unpopular Prime Minister in ___ British history. 

Prêt pour des cours d anglais en ligne ?

Comment ne plus faire de fautes d'articles anglais ?
Connaître des éléments de la monarchie britannique fait partie de l'enseignement de l'anglais.

Où trouver des cours d'anglais pour progresser ?

Corrigés des exercices

Exercice 1

  1. Are you shopping for a health club to join so you can get in shape ?
  2. Shop wisely! You could end up choosing the wrong club and losing more money than pounds.
  3. You may find out too late that Ø health clubs aren't for you.
  4. Ø San Diego fitness experts recommend thoroughly checking out several health clubs before you join one.
  5. First, know what you want and need in a fitness facility, and don't pay for what you'll never use.
  6. If you only want exercise classes, an exercise studio without weight machines and locker rooms may work for you.
  7. If you're looking for a place to only do bodybuilding, you'll be happy in a basic gym.
  8. You may be in the market for a full-service health club; then, make sure it offers lots of activities.
  9. Look for a place near your house, and check out the exercise instructors and personal trainers.
  10. They should be educated in physical education or certified by an organization such as the American Council on exercise.
  11. Certified instructors have at least some knowledge of anatomy, exercise physiology, injury prevention and Ø cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  12. You should evaluate the equipment and make sure fitness machines are modern and in working order.
  13. Try to talk to other members of the club. Find out what they believe are Ø advantages and disadvantages there.
  14. Look in the locker room, workout room, and shower--everywhere should be clean.
  15. Ø locker room sanitation is usually a good indication of how clean other areas are.
  16. Finally, before you sign the agreement to join, read the contract carefully.

Exercice 2

  1. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist.       
  2. Einstein was born in Ø Germany in 1879.
  3. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
  4. Einstein left his country and lived in the United States until he died in 1955.
  5. Einstein is known for his theory of Ø relativity.
  6. Roentgen was a German physicist who discovered x-rays, revolutionizing medical diagnosis.
  7. Roentgen won the 1901 Nobel Prize.
  8. Mandela was born in Ø South Africa.
  9. Mandela was the first President elected in Ø South Africa after Ø Apartheid was revoked.
  10. Mandela was imprisoned for Ø nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.
  11. Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun.
  12. Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with the poor.
  13. She was the founder of the order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.
  14. Mother Teresa lived in Ø Calcutta, India.
  15. Mother Teresa received Ø her Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
Comment devenir meilleur en anglais ?
Connaissez-vous la vie d'Einstein ? La langue anglaise est un excellent moyen d'en apprendre plus sur des personnes célèbres.

Vous cherchez des cours d'anglais paris ?

Exercice 3

  1. Elizabeth Windsor was born in Ø London. 
  2. Elizabeth Windsor was the first born child of George VI. 
  3. She succeeded to the throne becoming Elizabeth Ø II, the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 
  4. A year later her marriage with Ø Prince Philip Mountbatten, she gave birth to a son Charles. 
  5. She became a grandmother in 1977 with the birth of Peter, the son of her only daughter Anne.
  6. Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on Ø 13 October 1925.
  7. She grew up in Grantham in the North of England. 
  8. In 1943, she won a place at Ø Oxford University. 
  9. Afterwards, she used her degree to secure a job as a research chemist. 
  10. At the end of 1951, she married a rich businessman, Denis Thatcher. 
  11. In 1975, the Conservative Party needed a new leader and it chose her. 
  12. Margaret Thatcher became the UK's first woman Prime Minister in 1979 and she won two further general elections. 
  13. She became the most unpopular Prime Minister in Ø British history. 

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