
a) Faux : l'adjectif est invariable ( green eyes , green dress ) .

b) Faux : les adjectifs se placent avant le nom ( her blue and white dress ) .

c) Vrai .

d) Faux : il y a un ordre à respecter ( her boyfriend is a nice tall man ) .

e) Faux : enough se place après l'adjectif ( he is rich enough to own a Rolls - Royce ) .


a) Walt Warner's cartoon ( incredibly ) .

c) Jack Bradford's film ( very ) .

e) Marilyn Kelly's story ( quite ) .

b) Robert De Palma's movie ( rather ) .

d) Brad Cruise's motion picture ( slightly ) .


a) Jenny said she was surprised at Bill's appearance . It was very surprising .

b) Her children were really interested in this programme . They say Bill's programmes are not always interesting .

c) Bill saidhe would leave the company which is really worrying . Indeed , his manager looks worried .

d) If the programme stops , my grandmother wioll certainly be depressed . Ofcourse , the end of a programme is always a little depressing .


a) a funny old film .

b) a strange English manor .

c) an attractive dark - haired journalist .

d) a lovely young girl .

e) a heartless rich businessman .


a) the poor .

b) the young .

c) the disabled .

d) the blind .


a) I am not really worried about the future of the Cannes Festival .

b) There are glamourous stars for an international audience .

c) This year , it's a very interesting and very funny movie that won the prize .

d) It's the extraordinary story of a little green man who comes from space .


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