The lack of sleep is a serious problem, actually studies by lot os searchers from famous universities. It concerns every people because it may happen to everybody, even healthy people.

The less problem the lack of sleep could give is a face bright tham before, with why not black bags under your eyes. However, most important problems could happen to you if you meet problems when you sleep. Infact, sleep deprivation makes you vulnerable, also affecting your critical functions which will make you risking your life if you drive and disasters will happen.

Searchers show that with a lack of sleep, functions are already hurt, it also affects your attention. As a result, you spend more time to react for anything. Your ability to think, react or remember is faster than before, you're becoming hungry and you're attitude is more and more horrible (you are irritable for few details). In this case, the hyperactivity of your brain is responsible foe these troubles.

That's why you need to sleep at least 6 or 7 hours peer night to have a better learning and memory will be enhance. The mots frighteninf is that you could die witht a lack of sleep ; high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke epidemic of obesity even i they were no kinds od these problems in your family. Be careful with you sleep because it could be the last of your life : do you prefer haveing a fantastic party and die tomorrow or stay alive and organize lots of parties later ?

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