
a) They'll leave on tuesday ( prédiction ) .

b) They are going to leave on Tuesday ( intention du sujet ) .

c) They are leaving on tuesday ( projet déjà planifié ) .

d) They leave on tuesday ( programme imposé ) .


a) " Hurry up , Julie . It's a quarter past . You are going to be late ! "

b) " Don't worry Mum . I' m going to hurry . "

c) " I don't want to walk to school today . I' going to take the bus . "

d) " My marks are not really good . I am going to work harder . "

e) " I have got a lot of homework . I am going to do it on Saturday . "

f) " I've left my notebook at school . I' m going to call Myriam . "


a) " What subjects are you taking next year ? "

b) " I think I am going to take French . I am rather good at it . "

c) " Last summer , my parents an d I were to go to France for the holidays . "

d) " But , just when Mum was about to make a reservation , Dad was sick . "

e) " So , we couldn't go . But , this year , Mum says we are going to have an exciting holiday . "


a) He is going to university next year .

b) She's leaving school at the end of June .

c) He' s working tomorrow .

d) He's flying on thursday .

e) He's going out tonight .


a) Nous allons prendre notre repas à la cafétéria .

b) Ensuite , nous allons avoir le cours d'éducation physique .

c) Mme Marway va être en congé de maternité .

d) Donc , elle ne restera pas là très longps .

e) Mais elle a dit qu'elle allait nous emmener à un match de tennis avant de partir .


a) My pupils are going to take a very difficult exam .

b) I hope they will all succeed .

c) But I think Ted and Kelly will fail .

d) Jean an d I are going to revise for our exam tonight .

e) We are to meet at five o'clock .

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