
a) It's easy to visit London because there are many buses .

b) I like driving in the country when there is not too much traffic .

c) Not many people cycle to work .

d) Cycling is nice when there is not much wind .

e) If you work far from home , it takes too much time .


a) At this late hour , there are very few people at the office .

b) I'll be here for only a few minutes , and then I'll leave .

c) I'm going to have a few days off next week .

d) I'll drive home . It'll take me very little time .

e) Of course , if I walked home , it would take me a little more time .


a) There wasn't much traffic yesterday .

b) There weren't many people at the market .

c) I did not have many things to do at the post office .

d) It didn't take much time .


a) Every house has its own garden.

b) But every room is heated .

c) Every worker has a password to enter the building .

d) They'll check every elevator .

e) Every street is busy during the rush hour .


a) Il est un peu inquiet .

b) Il sera de retour au bureau dans quelques jours .

c) Donnez - lui un peu plus de temps , s'il vous plaît .

d) Il y avait peu de carrefours giratoires en France mais maintenant il y en a beaucoup .


a) There isn't much pollution here .

b) There isn't much to do in this village .

c) Few people know this village .

d) There isn't much work in this area .

e) There aren't many factories .


Chicago is a huge city . Like New York , it has a lot of very high buildings . But it is very

different from New York where very little space is devoted to parks . I like to watch all these

pigeons . They are perched on every street corner . There are lots of them .They  always seem

very comfortable ; they know when to sit and watch , and when to fly away and move on . They

demand no respect and , actually , they don't receive any .

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